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Photo du rédacteurCatharsis Psychology and Psychotherapy

What is depression therapy?

Everyone experiences sadness now and again. Life circumstances like loss or trauma can leave us feeling too upset to go on. However, for some people, this feeling doesn’t go away. Things never seem like they are getting better.

Depression can feel like you’re constantly under a dark cloud. It can drain your energy and leave you feeling disinterested in life.

If your depression is impacting your enjoyment of daily life and activities, it’s crucial to know that you can get help. There are many different treatments for depression, including lifestyle changes, medications, and therapy.

What is depression therapy?

Individuals may respond to treatments for depression differently. That is why there are several options, including various styles of depression therapy.

Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is one of the best ways to overcome depression. It usually involves talking to a therapist one-on-one to help you deal with the issues causing your depression. Therapists can also help you find positive coping mechanisms so that you can start enjoying your life again. Within the practice of psychotherapy, there are some different styles that therapists use to treat patients who suffer from depression. These include:

Cognitive therapy

Cognitive theory states that our thoughts impact our emotions. And through getting control over our thoughts, we can control our emotions. Consider the classic glass half empty or full test. The amount of water in the glass does not change, but your perspective can. Changing your views to see the glass as half-full leads to more positive emotions.

Your thoughts can play a role in how deep your depression gets. As more and more negative thoughts roll through your head, it’s naturally bound to leave you feeling sadder. When all you hear in your head are negative thoughts, it can be a challenge to feel optimistic.

In cognitive therapy, your therapist will help you identify your patterns of thinking that contribute to your negative emotions. They will teach you how to change your thought patterns into more positive ones. The outcome will be a lifting of your mood.

Behavioural therapy

Similar to cognitive therapy, behavioural therapy focuses on changing your behaviour in order to change your emotions, and thus reduce your depression. Therapists will encourage you to participate in activities that boost your mood. It’s called behavioural activation.

Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT)

Some therapists will combine cognitive therapy and behavioural therapy together. This treatment will teach patients how to overcome negative thought patterns and engage in positive actions.

One way that therapists do this is by asking you to keep a journal that helps you track your week. Through journal writing, you can become aware of any negative reactions to events that happen in your life. After negative thought patterns have been identified, your therapist can work with you to find more positive ways that you can respond and think about life’s happenings.

CBT often involves some out-of-session work on the part of patients, such as journaling. Your therapist may also ask you to engage in other therapeutic activities, such as:

· Relaxation activities

· Worksheets

· Readings

This type of therapy has been successful in overcoming depression. It may even help prevent future episodes.

Dialectical behaviour therapy

Dialectical behaviour therapy uses a CBT approach. It differs by inviting patients to acknowledge and accept their negative thoughts and behaviours. The underlying aim is to gain control over their power to regulate their emotions and responses to things that happen to them. Once this is achieved, patients are better able to handle stress. They can even develop more fulfilling relationships.

Therapists that use this approach will also include mindfulness exercises. These are based on Buddhist traditions.

Psychodynamic therapy

Psychodynamic therapy aims to help patients become more conscious of their deep, sometimes hidden, emotions. The theory behind this method is that unresolved issues can cause depression. Many times, these issues may be unconscious. Therapists will work with patients to handle all their emotions, including troubling ones.

This type of therapy is used to help uncover past traumas that may be causing depression. It can be a useful tool for patients to gain self-awareness. Psychodynamic therapy is often a longer-term form of treatment as it can take some time to access hidden emotions or experiences.

Interpersonal therapy

Social connections are essential for our well-being. For those who are struggling with interpersonal conflict or those who do not have a healthy support system, it can be easy to become depressed. In these situations, therapists can use interpersonal therapy. The goal is to help patients identify and overcome troublesome interpersonal interactions.

During therapy, patients will examine their social relationships, which can include family, friends, co-workers and even romantic partners. Therapists will help patients find healthy and positive ways to resolve conflict in these relationships. Some activities involved in this form of therapy include roleplaying. Doing this can help people see things from someone else’s perspective. It is also used to help patients practice different scenarios so they can feel confident they’ll be able to handle them.

Finding the right treatment

Depression has been defined as a deep sadness that never seems to go away. People who have depression often lose interest in things and activities that they used to enjoy. Day-to-day living can feel overwhelming. Sometimes depression can be such a difficult state that people start to suffer physically. They may lose their appetite or have trouble sleeping.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Those living with depression can find freedom. There are treatments for those with depression. From medications to lifestyle changes to psychotherapy many patients can find relief. Often a mix of these treatments helps patients overcome their depression.

If you or someone you know is suffering from depression, our therapists can help. Contact Catharsis Therapy today.

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