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Depression Therapy

Depression impacts over 280 million people around the world. That is about 5 percent of the world’s population.


It can be very difficult to live with depression. It’s been described as living with a cloud of sadness that won’t go away. People who are suffering from depression have lost interest in activities that once brought them happiness. It is more than just a persistent mood or a short-lived emotion to changing circumstances. Experts say that a depressive episode is when someone feels sad, empty or irritable for most of the day, every day for at least 14 consecutive days.


When you live with depression, it can impact your mental health and your physical health. Those with depression can have trouble sleeping and often lose their appetite. This, in turn, leads to tiredness and a lack of concentration. It can also be accompanied by feelings of low self-worth, hopelessness, and low energy. Episodes can be mild, moderate or severe.


Symptoms of Depression

The biggest symptom of depression is an overwhelming sadness, but there are other signs that you could be suffering from it, such as:

  • Loss of interest in work or hobbies

  • Withdrawing from loved ones

  • Feeling hopeless or useless

  • Agitated

  • Irritable

  • Difficulty with concentration or memory

  • Struggling with decision making

  • Crying

  • Changes in appetite or eating habits

  • Anger or aggressiveness

  • Thoughts of suicide

  • Alcohol or drug abuse


Depression can last for a long time, and there is the potential for symptoms to reappear. It can be debilitating. We understand that the causes of depression are complex and can be unique to your life experience. These may include trauma in childhood, a loss of job, divorce, the death of a loved one, and so much more.


Causes of Depression

There are varied reasons that patients become depressed, including:

  • Family history of depression or mental illness

  • Imbalances in brain chemistry

  • Major stress

  • Trauma

  • Loss

  • Ongoing health challenges or illness

  • Medications

  • personality


Types of Depression

The symptoms and longevity of episodes define various types of depression. They are:


Major Depressive Disorder/MDD

This form of depression can be intense, and sufferers are often overwhelmed by the emotions. Patients report intense feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness. Symptoms interfere with day-to-day life and functioning and don’t go away without intervention.


Bipolar Depression

Those who suffer from bipolar depression have episodes of low moods and high or manic moments. They can also have periods of normal moods in between these episodes.  In their low periods, they will often feel sad, hopeless, or have a loss of energy.


Perinatal or Postpartum Depression

This form of depression is marked by periods of sadness that can occur for pregnant women or those who have just had a baby. While many women report having the baby blues, postpartum depression is different. It is more than just a mild sadness or worry. Rather, patients report intense feelings of sadness, anxiety, or exhaustion. It is usually caused by a mix of factors, including hormone changes caused by pregnancy.

Persistent Depressive Disorder/PDD

PDD is a form of depression where at least two symptoms of major depression are present for two consecutive years or longer. It’s important to note that symptoms can vary from severe to less severe. Although the symptoms of PDD may not be as strong as those with major depression, it lasts a long time.


Seasonal Affective Disorder/SAD

Patients who suffer depressive episodes in the late fall or early winter are often experiencing seasonal affective disorder. Most times symptoms subside in the spring and summer. It has been connected to changes in the amount of sunlight throughout the year. Patients may also find themselves sleeping more, craving comfort, high-carb foods, and weight gain.


Psychotic Depression

A serious form of depression, those with the psychotic type will have severe depression symptoms along with hallucinations or delusions.



Treatment Options for Depression

You don’t have to live with depression. Psychological and prescription solutions can help you manage it and regain enjoyment in your life again.


Treatment options can be personalized to fit your unique circumstances and lifestyle. They may include:

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy

  • Psychotherapy

  • Prescription of antidepressant

  • Group therapy


These can be used individually or together to help patients overcome depression.


Without treatment, depression can become worse. If you or someone you love is suffering from depression in Ottawa, there is help. At Catharsis Therapy, we work with clients to regain a sense of normalcy in their lives.

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